As this topic makes me so anxious to write more. For example, what would be an average school goer's wish to live his/her life in this modern era? Having a luxury apartment with all updated e-gadgets (from Wii Nintendo, ipad, iphone to latest laptop) and handful of money for well spending. Every one look at others way of living, adore them and wish to live their (others) life. Apparently, donning different colours on ourselves, trying variety of new things (right from changing the food habit, dressing, hurting others personal sentiments etc...), which makes more awful both in physical appearance and mental thoughts. First, Deserve and then desire. Second, one has to analyze and organize themselves and make out what suits them the best and how to carry themselves etc. Living life large doesn't only mean to have all luxury at home or where ever they go, it also mean how comfort when they move and be social with others. That matters a lot. We all notice only the spending alone, not even mind to think how much hard work one has to put, to earn this money by compromising his/her personal values or respect. Nowadays, in the name of globalization, people tend to live an unhealthy and pitiable life. For a matter of showing off, they started going out and spending lavishly, having sumptuous food and attire, hiding their disability in many ways, pretending to be so generous towards social cause, makes their life so miserable. I personally think that these people are sick mentally and super bug doesn't make the society sick, only these morons does!!! By doing it so, every one lacks their identity and they losing their personal reverence too. Perception differs, as far as I am concerned, living a life large could be in our hands to make it more happier than other influences (money and other forms of wealth). Doing what we like and enjoy doing that job will give you mental happiness which is more than anything in the world. Small acknowledgement and little appreciation for your work gives you what you could yearn for your whole life. Mentally matured and at the end of every day being happy themselves and making others happy would be a worth mentioning life. For every one, at some point of time in their life, there would be a tug-of-war between money and happiness, it always depends on which one we can choose to make our life bigger, brighter and more colourful!!!
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