Today is predicted to be the most hottest day of this year 2010 at Oxford i.e. 30 Degrees. Its so hot, wandering in the summer would be a worst idea. I never felt that Oxford can be this hotter ever! Apart from this, every day starts even by four in the morning and the sun sets only by half ten in the night. To my goodness, its better to stay in Trichy rather than being here. At least there the people are blessed with fan, AC etc... Ironically, here all but one with the heaters.. grrr! No way to escape from the hot waves spitting element so called "SUN". Indian tropical weather is much better than this, because where in India, it used to sweat and the body potential to withstand the heat can be replenished by drinking energy liquids. Where as here, there is no sweat come out of your body and the hot rays were more fierce to make you dry as much as it can. The sun screen lotions, coolers and half dress are the driving elements used by public to move on. With out these, one cannot expect to go out of the house. But it all will last only till July, then again the winter starts. Back to warmer, heater, Jerkin and Jackets...
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