Sunday, May 16, 2010

Change is the only thing that never changes. Yeah! That's true. People do change as their mind wish and according to the situation. Still their inner heart never forget those past memories! Many may hold a good sweet memoirs as well as grudges in their heart. As the days rolls by, human mind tends to forget those bitter experience but never forget their rejoicing past. It will always cherish one's mind and soul. The way to keep their memoirs fresh is by making a sort of gathering with the loved one's or by visiting their place with little surprises. Those surprises give them a eye wide happiness and a day that never to be forgotten. One more day of worth living!!! The biggest gift you can give any body is your time - a good quote! Though we accept the fact, ironically there is no time for ourselves in the day-to-day life! But our heart does need some time for ourselves and for others too. Only our mind doesn't allow that time to be spend for anybody (including our self!) because it is running behind the happiness so called MONEY, leaving the real happiness! To be forgotten by all would worse than death. If those sort of thoughts hit anyone hard, then their life become a nightmare or dead weight rather than a blessing! Therefore, a little time to share the joy & regrets to a special one could change the mind and refresh oneself from the hectic schedule.